The SymbioT project involves NEUROPUBLIC (project coordinator) and AGENSO as technology partners, as well as the agricultural cooperative PEGASUS – 7GRAPES, which hosts the pilot demonstrations at the end of the project.
NEUROPUBLIC ( is an innovative ICT SME (90+ employees), specialized in the development of integrated information systems and high-demand applications built in Cloud computing architecture for smart farming applications.
NP has participated in various ICT projects, including research project funded by EC (H2020, FP7, FP6, LIFE like DataBio, IoF2020, SmartAgriHubs, LIFE GaiaSense, LASIE, etc.), European Space Agency (ESA) projects (Euro-VO Registry, RAWDAR, etc.). NP is a member of AIOTI (, BDVA (, EARSC ( and Farm Europe ( and their Smart Farming working groups.
On 2013 NP started its Smart Farming (SF) program, aiming to provide next generation advice to farmers. NP designed and developed Gaiatron telemetric stations, for the monitoring of environmental and soil variables. Taking as input the variables coming from the environmental sensing network and combining them with a variety of data coming from remote sensing (RPAs and satellites), proximity sensors, farm data, farm logs etc, a cloud-based DSS supports the decision-making mechanism for the farmer’s every-day farming activities, in an efficient and environmentally friendly way. The GAIAtron stations and the SF services are also being piloted and improved in the context of DataBio (, the H2020 Large Scale Pilot (LSP) project on BigData applications for Agriculture, where NP is currently responsible for the organization of the Precision agriculture pilots in olives, fruits, grapes and vegetables at an EU level. NP is also coordinating the LIFE GAIA Sense (2018-2022) LSP project, where, together with GAIA EPICHEIREIN (its linked 3rd party) NP is leading 18 demonstrators of these services in Greece, Spain and Portugal.
NP developed the information system GAIA ( which is a significant and efficient tool for information support of the needs of each body of the cooperative and private agricultural economy (“real economy”).